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General information
 Procurement documentation - 15
 Proposals - 0
 Documentation - 0
 Changes - 5

Participation is possible with the following tariff plans:
  • One-time participation in a procurement of Rosatom State Corporation with Initial (maximum) contract price from 200,000 rubles
  • Unlimited participation in procurements of Rosatom State Corporation for 6 months
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Procurement notice "Request for proposals № 3048377"  
Form and procurement method:
Opened request for proposals in electronic form without prequalification
Number of the procurement on the official website:
Link to the procurement on the official website:
Procedure number on OSS:
Not specified
АКЦИОНЕРНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО "АТОМКОМПЛЕКТ", Россия, 119180, Москва, 119180, г Москва, р-н Якиманка, ул Полянка Б., дом 25, корпус 1
Contact person:
Колесников Максим
Procurement procedure name:
Право заключения договора на (en) 12804/116 Delivery of transformers of own needs (reserve, working)
A list of lots:
Lot № General procurement procedure name (lot) Name of the item Price of lot Status
Lot №1
12804/116 Delivery of transformers of own needs (reserve, working)
Item №1
Auxiliary normal transformer 24/10.5-10.5 kV. NOPSS
18 720 536,07 EUR including VAT Procurement procedure is failed
Item №2
Auxiliary normal transformer 24/10.5-10.5 kV. NOPSS
Item №3
Auxiliary standby transformer 132/11-11 kV, SPSS
Item №4
Auxiliary standby transformer 132/11-11 kV, SPSS
Item №5
Auxiliary normal transformer 24/10.5-10.5 kV, (standby equipment). NOPSS

Items shown 5 from 11

Browse items by lot
General price:
18 720 536,07 EUR
Publication date:
31.03.2023 22:17
Source of funding:
Own funds
The rest and more detailed terms of the request for proposals are contained in the procurement documentation, which is an integral part to this procurement notice
Procedure for the registration on the website:
Bidder registration procedure for participation in procurement procedure on the above subject is specified in section "Connection" on the website at URL: www.fabrikant.ru.
Procedure for submission bids:
Bids for participation in the procurement procedure and for pre-qualification selection (if provided) shall be submitted by bidders in the electronic form through the electronic document management system on the website at URL: www.fabrikant.ru.
Place and procedure of the request for proposals:
Request for proposals shall be executed on the electronic trading platform (ETP) Fabrikant on the Internet at the following URL: www.fabrikant.ru in the manner prescribed by the regulations set by such ETP in accordance with the terms and requirements of the procurement documentation on Request for proposals.
Evaluation criteria:
The winner of the Request for proposals is the bidder who offered the best terms and conditions for performance of the contract based on the set of criteria established by the documentation.
Information about the right of the organizer (Customer) of cancel procedure:
The organizer of the procurement by the decision of the customer, has the right to cancel request for proposals at any time until summing up of results of procurement only in the case provided by the RPMS
Actions: Check out the rules of procedure

Submission of bids through the System guarantees that the bids will be considered by the organizer of the procurement procedure

The procedure "Request for proposals" is not a tender under the legislation of the Russian Federation and the customer / organizer of the "Request for proposals" has the right, but not the obligation, to conclude a contract with the winner of the procurement procedure

Lot №1, 12804/116 Delivery of transformers of own needs (reserve, working)

Hide lot №1
Procurement notice "Request for proposals № 3048377-1" (Procurement procedure is failed)  
Multi-stage procurement:
The procurement procedure is carried out in 1 stage.
Possibility of rebidding procedure:
Attention! Suspension of rebidding is possible in accordance with paragraph 10 of section 1 of Appendix 12 of the RPMS
Organizer: АКЦИОНЕРНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО "АТОМКОМПЛЕКТ", Россия, 119180, Москва, 119180, г Москва, р-н Якиманка, ул Полянка Б., дом 25, корпус 1
Contact person of Organizer: Колесников Максим
Information about customers:
Name Contact information INN KPP
Joint stock company "Atomstroyexport" Место нахождения (en): 127434 7701186067 997650001
Subject of procurement:
Право заключения договора на (en) 12804/116 Delivery of transformers of own needs (reserve, working)
Subject matter of the contract by lot:
12804/116 Delivery of transformers of own needs (reserve, working)
Category of product:
The initial (maximum) contract price:
18 720 536,07 EUR (including VAT)
Performance terms:
Determined in accordance with the contract
Payment terms:
Определяется в соответствии с договором
Procurement bid security:
Form of security Security amount and currency
Bank guarantee, money
Требуется обеспечение заявки в размере 8176000.00 рублей
Contract performance security:
Advance repayment security:
Advance payment return form
Bank guarantee, money, suretyship
Securing contractual obligations:
Form of security Information about security
Bank guarantee, money, suretyship
Security of performance of guarantee obligations:
Form of security Information about security
Bank guarantee, money, suretyship Требуется обеспечение исполнения гарантийных обязательств в размере 15.00%
Evaluation criteria:
1. Contract price; 2. Equipment manufacturer experience; 3. Availability of an existing quality management system confirmed by the certificate of conformity of the ROSATOMREGISTR certification system.
Sign of belonging to the subjects of small and medium-sized business:
There are no requirements on attribution to SME
Scheduled dates:
Starting date and time for bid submission:
31.03.2023 22:17
Date and time of the bid submission deadline:
19.05.2023 12:00
Bid opening date:
19.05.2023 12:00
End date for bids consideration:
08.06.2023 23:59
Date of bid evaluation and summing up of the procurement results:
Deadline for contract conclusion since winner selection:

Any VAT rate can be specified In the proposal before submitting

Name of the item Material Group Quantity Vat rate Comparison basis Start of delivery End of delivery Additionally
1 Auxiliary normal transformer 24/10.5-10.5 kV. NOPSS Трансформаторы, трансформаторное оборудование и аппаратура высоковольтная 1.000 PCE; NMB 27% No - taxes included 20.03.2026 20.03.2026 Critical products ( ? )

Audit is required ( ? )
2 Auxiliary normal transformer 24/10.5-10.5 kV. NOPSS Трансформаторы, трансформаторное оборудование и аппаратура высоковольтная 1.000 PCE; NMB 27% No - taxes included 20.03.2026 20.03.2026 Critical products ( ? )

Audit is required ( ? )
3 Auxiliary standby transformer 132/11-11 kV, SPSS Трансформаторы, трансформаторное оборудование и аппаратура высоковольтная 1.000 PCE; NMB 27% No - taxes included 20.03.2026 20.03.2026 Critical products ( ? )

Audit is required ( ? )
4 Auxiliary standby transformer 132/11-11 kV, SPSS Трансформаторы, трансформаторное оборудование и аппаратура высоковольтная 1.000 PCE; NMB 27% No - taxes included 20.03.2026 20.03.2026 Critical products ( ? )

Audit is required ( ? )
5 Auxiliary normal transformer 24/10.5-10.5 kV, (standby equipment). NOPSS Трансформаторы, трансформаторное оборудование и аппаратура высоковольтная 1.000 PCE; NMB 27% No - taxes included 20.03.2026 20.03.2026 Critical products ( ? )

Audit is required ( ? )

Items shown 5 from 11

Browse items by lot

Requirements for procurement participants:
1 registration as a legal entity in compliance with the applicable legislation of the Russian Federation (for Russian legal entities); registration as a private entrepreneur in compliance with the applicable legislation of the Russian Federation (for Russian private entrepreneurs); registration as a legal entity in compliance with the applicable legislation of the state of its place of business (for a foreign bidder)

Required documents:

  • statement of liability filled by the participant of competitive bidding as per Form 1 "The Application” which ensures that the following will be provided before the conclusion of the contract in case of such conclusion: - decision to approve or to close a major transaction if such decision is required for closing a major transaction in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation and with the constituent documents of the legal entity and if conclusion of the contract or provision of a security for the application or for the contract is a major transaction for the participant of competitive bidding; - decision to approve or to close an interested-party transaction if such approval is required in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation and with the constituent documents of the legal entity and if conclusion of the contract or provision of a security for the application or for the contract is an interested-party transaction for the participant of competitive bidding or information confirming that this transaction is not a major transaction and/or an interested-party transaction for such a participant of competitive bidding, or that the competitive bidding participant’s organization is not subjected to the requirements of the legislation to provide the decision to approve or to close a major transaction and/or an interested-party transaction, since the sole participant (shareholder) is the sole executive body.
  • a copy of the document proving the person's authority to sign the application on behalf of the participant of competitive bidding (documents proving the authority of the person acting as sole executive body (for a legal entity); the power of attorney, if the application is signed under a power of attorney). If the application and (or) the documents included into it are signed by different entities, then the documents proving the person's authority to sign the application and (or) the documents included into it shall be provided for each signatory according to their authority;
  • copies of constituent documents as amended from time to time (for legal entities);
  • a) copies of documents confirming state registration, including the following: - for legal entities - a copy of extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (extract from EGRUL (Unified State Register of Legal Entities)); - for individual entrepreneurs - a copy of extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (extract from EGRIP (Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs)). - The extracts from EGRUL or EGRIP shall be obtained not earlier than 6 months (and in case of any changes - not earlier than such changes are entered into the related register) prior to the day of official publication of the public notice on competitive bidding it is permitted to provide the specified extracts, executed using website http://egrul.nalog.ru/#; - for other individual persons - copies of identification documents; - for foreign persons - copies of documents confirming their state registration as a subject of the civil law in accordance with the laws in force at the place of its location which shall be attached with translation into the official language of procurement in accordance with the requirements of the procurement documentation; as part of hard copy applications, such documents shall be submitted in legalized form (they may be apostilled) with notarized translation into the official language of procurement;
  • An application to use the simplified taxation system by the competitive bidding participant filled in by the participant of competitive bidding as per Form 1 “The Application for participation in procurement” (for those participants of competitive bidding who apply such system)
2 if the contract is planned to be executed in the territory of the Russian Federation: shall have the right to perform activities in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation (for Russian participants of competitive bidding); shall have the right to perform activities in accordance with the laws in force at the place of location of such participant of competitive bidding and in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation (for foreign participants of competitive bidding); if the contract is planned to be executed in the territory of a foreign country: shall have the right to perform activities in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation (for Russian participants of competitive bidding); shall have the right to perform activities in accordance with the laws in force at the place of location of such participant of competitive bidding (for foreign participants of competitive bidding); shall have the right to perform activities in accordance with the laws in force at the place where the contract is performed (for Russian and foreign participants of competitive bidding).

Required documents:

  • confirmation filled in by the participant of competitive bidding as per form 1 "Application for participation in a competitive bidding" that there is the right to perform activities in accordance with the laws in force at the place of location of the participant of competitive bidding and at the place where the contract shall be performed. Foreign participants of competitive bidding should additionally provide a brief explanatory note specifying the following: - statutory provisions applicable in the country, where it is located or carries out activities, and regulating their legal capacity and conditions of the activity connected with fulfillment of obligations under the contract to be concluded as a result of the competitive bidding; - name and details (number and date of coming into force and number and date of the current version) of national regulatory legal acts, in accordance with which the foreign participant of competitive bidding carries out its activities.
3 absence of unpaid taxes, fees other outstanding obligatory payments to the budget of the budget system of the Russian Federation: for the Russian participants – the participant does not have unpaid taxes, fees other outstanding obligatory payments to the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation (except amounts for which an extension, deferment, investment tax credit has been granted in accordance with the tax legislation of the Russian Federation restructured according to the laws of the Russian Federation, regarding which there is a legally effective court order recognizing the bidder’s obligations to pay the said amounts as fulfilled or non-recoverable in accordance with the tax legislation of the Russian Federation) for the expired calendar year in the amount exceeding twenty-five per cent of the book value of assets based on the financial statements for the last accounting period, or if the bidder has submitted an appeal against the said arrears, outstanding payments in the established order and the decision on this appeal has not been taken as of the date of review of the application

Required documents:

  • h) a confirmation by the participant of the procurement form 1 “Application for participation in the procurement”: - absence of arrears in taxes, fees, debts on other obligatory payments to the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation (except for the amounts for which the deferment, installments are granted, investment tax credit in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, which are restructured in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, for which there is a valid court decision recognizing the applicant's obligation to pay these amounts executed or recognized as hopeless for recovery in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees) for the last calendar year, the amount of which exceeds twenty-five percent of balance sheets oh value of the assets of the procurement participant, according to the financial statements for the last reporting period; - information on the appeal of the specified arrears, debts, if the procurement participant submitted an application in the prescribed manner and a decision on such an application was not made on the date of consideration of applications.
4 not to be in the process of liquidation (for legal entities) or to be recognized by the decision of the arbitration court as ins

Required documents:

  • confirmation filled in by the participant of competitive bidding as per form 1 "Application for participation in a competitive bidding" that: - the participant of competitive bidding is not undergoing the process of liquidation (for a legal entity); - the participant of competitive bidding is not recognized insolvent (bankrupt) by the arbitration court;
5 shall not be an organization, the property of which in the part needed for performance of the contract is arrested under a decision of the court or administrative body; and (or) the activity of which is suspended;

Required documents:

  • confirmation filled in by the participant of competitive bidding as per form 1 "Application for participation in a competitive bidding" that: - property of the participant of competitive bidding is not arrested by a decision of the court or administrative body; - the competitive bidding participant’s activity is not suspended.
6 level of financial resources availability for the participant of competitive bidding must be at least 30 points, according to the calculation methodology

Required documents:

  • copies of accounting (financial) statements for the expired financial year and for the expired period of a financial year (6 months of the current financial year/9 months of the current financial year) and/or other form of the provision of information about bidders in accordance with the requirements and with the procedure provided for by section 3 of the documentation.
7 Based on Article 7.12.1, Part 2 of the UIPS: 1.availability of quality management system (management, assurance and quality control), that meets the requirements of ISO 9001 (or the equivalent). 2. availability of an effective environmental management system that meets the requirements of ISO 14001 (or the equivalent). 3. availability of an effective occupational safety and health management system that meets the requirements of ISO 45001 (or the equivalent).

Required documents:

  • 1) documents confirming the availability of an effective quality management system (management, assurance and quality control), namely an ISO 9001 certificate (or the equivalent) issued by a certification body accredited by an IAF member. 2), 3) documents confirming the availability of effective management systems: a) self-assessment and self-declaration; b) applying for confirmation of compliance to the parties interested in the activities of subcontractors (customers); c) applying for confirmation of self-declaration to the external party, or d) certification/registration of the management system by an external organization.
8 absence of information about the participant of competitive bidding in the following registers of bad-faith suppliers: - in the register which is being kept in accordance with the provisions of Federal Law No. 223-FZ (223-ФЗ) "On procurement of goods, work, services by certain types of legal entities”; - in the register which is being kept in accordance with the statutory provisions of the Russian Federation on placement of state and municipal orders.

Required documents:

  • no documents shall be submitted. The business owner of the procurement process (customer) shall check compliance with this requirement with respect to such registers by its own efforts.
9 Passing the audit of the reliability of data: a manufacturer (manufacturer indicated in the application of the bidder as the manufacturer of the proposed product, hereinafter – manufacturer or producer), in relation to which the audit of the reliability of data is conducted in accordance with the Guidelines for conducting an audit of the reliability of data (Part 4, Volume 1 of the procurement documentation) shall: - based on the results of the audit of the reliability of data, receive the score not below than 75 points based on the scoring system for audits of the reliability of data set out in Section 11 of the Guidelines for conducting an audit or (if the bid specifies the experience of manufacture of types of equipment without safety classes as per FRR according to paragraph ____of procurement documentation (according to para. 3.3 of this subsection)) at least _80 points according to scoring procedure in the data reliability audit as specified in Section 5 of the Audit Procedure; - agree: to pass the audit of the reliability of data, to accept the audit team (in case of a remote data reliability audit – group meeting via VC and ICT facilities) in the declared period of time under condition of the compliance of the said team with access control and internal security policy established by local regulations of the audited contractor enterprise (for nuclear industry organizations – local regulations of the Corporation) and/or laws and regulations of the Russian Federation and/or country of location of the contractor enterprise, to the photo- and video-recording of the non-conformities identified in the course of the audit upon lack of reasonable limitations to the photo- and video-recording at the object (in case of a remote data reliability audit – photo- and video recording via VC and ICT facilities) established by local regulations of the audited contractor enterprise (for nuclear industry organizations – local regulations of the Corporation) and/or laws and regulations of the Russian Federation and/or country of location of the contractor enterprise, to the submission of a completed questionnaire for requirements related to a desktop audit and that confirms compliance of documentation prior to a remote audit (desktop audit) in case of a remote data reliability audit, to the testing of ICT prior to a remote data reliability audit in the prescribed manner, to online transmission of photo-, video information by a manufacturer for carrying out virtual verification in the prescribed manner in case of a remote data reliability audit to the signing of the report on the results of the audit of the reliability of data, in the established order, to the publication of information about the results of the audit of the reliability of data in internal branch information systems and in open access, to the examination of the objectivity of the conducted audit of the reliability of data (including to a repeated data reliability audit).

Required documents:

  • report on the results of the audit of the reliability of data (not provided within the application This report shall be prepared based on the results of the audit conducted in accordance with the Guidelines for conducting an audit of the reliability of data (Part 4, Volume 1 of the procurement documentation)); application form of manufacturer (relevant Form); confirmation of documentation on the competitive bidding, on the consent of each manufacturer to fulfill all the conditions stated in the field “Requirements” of this item, filled in by the participant of competitive bidding as per Form 1 "The Application for participation in procurement”.
10 As of the expiration date of the deadline for submission of bids for participation in the procurement from the procurement participant and involved subcontractors / co-executors / manufacturers of a signed corrective action plan for identified inconsistencies and the implementation of all planned corrective actions to eliminate the root causes of inconsistencies arising from the execution of orders of the Corporation and organizations of the nuclear industry: [details of the requirement are established in accordance with the Corporation administrative documents] Only significant and critical inconsistencies in products are taken into account in accordance with the All-Russian classifier OKPD 2 according to the subject of the purchase, the way to eliminate which is repair and / or replacement and / or revision unless other correction ways are provided, identified in the previous 3 years before the deadline for filing applications for participation in the procurement.

Required documents:

  • the obligation, filled in by the procurement participant in accordance with Form 1 "Application for Participation in the Procurement", in case of concluding an agreement with him, to provide, before the conclusion of the agreement, consent to fulfill the requirements for managing non-conformities and to use the EOS-Quality in accordance with the administrative document of the Corporation, including from involved subcontractors / co-executors / manufacturers, in accordance with the instructions given in the procurement documentation. Checking for compliance with this requirement is carried out by the procurement organizer (customer) independently
11 As of the expiration date of the deadline for submission of bids for participation in the procurement from the procurement participant and involved subcontractors / co-executors / manufacturers of a signed corrective action plan for identified inconsistencies and the implementation of all planned corrective actions to eliminate the root causes of inconsistencies arising from the execution of orders of the Corporation and organizations of the nuclear industry: Only significant and critical inconsistencies in products are taken into account in accordance with the All-Russian classifier OKPD 2 according to the subject of the purchase, the way to eliminate which is repair and / or replacement and / or revision identified in the previous 3 years before the deadline for filing applications for participation in the procurement.

Required documents:

  • documents are not provided. Verification for compliance with this requirement is carried out by the procurement organizer (сustomer) independently.
12 absence of a conflict of interest and the exclusion of the possibility of such a conflict, as well as compliance with the requirements established on the basis of instructions of the Government of the Russian Federation: shall disclose information regarding the entire ownership chain, including beneficiaries (including the final ones).

Required documents:

  • и) the obligation to procurement documentation filled in by the bidder on the "Procurement Bid" form (the corresponding form on the ETP) to submit documents confirming information about the ownership chain, including beneficiaries (including the final ones), before signing the contract; к) confirmation in accordance with Form 1 "Procurement Bid" on the absence of a conflict of interest and taking measures to exclude the possibility of such a conflict, filled in by the bidder.
13 absence of unresolved disputes with creditors absence of facts of professional ethics violations that cast doubt on the integrity of the bidder; absence of collusion with other bidders with the aim of violating freedom of competition; absence of government contracts terminated by court decision, contracts and/or agreements with ASE JSC, and/or concession contracts in connection with a material violation of the terms of the contract by the bidder. absence of government contracts terminated by court decision, contracts and/or agreements with ASE JSC, and/or concession contracts in connection with a material violation of the terms of the contract by the bidder.

Required documents:

  • ж) confirmation completed by the bidder on the "Additional Requirements" form of the procurement documentation (Section 5.1, Form 1.3): ? about absence of unresolved disputes with creditors ? about absence of facts of professional ethics violations that cast doubt on the integrity of the bidder; ? about absence of collusion with other bidders with the aim of violating freedom of competition; з) about absence of government contracts terminated by court decision, contracts with ASE JSC, concession contracts in connection with a material violation of the terms of the contract by the bidder.
14 absence of violations in relation to the payment of taxes or social benefits, confirmed by a final judicial or administrative decision in accordance with the provisions of the legislation of the state in which the bidder is registered as a subject of civil law, or in accordance with the provisions of the legislation of Hungary or the Russian Federation

Required documents:

  • d) confirmation of the absence of violations in relation to the payment of taxes or social benefits, completed by the bidder in the form "Additional requirements" of the procurement documentation (subsection 5.1, Form 1.3), confirmed by a final judicial or administrative decision in accordance with the provisions of the legislation of the state in which the bidder is registered as subject of civil law, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation of Hungary, the Russian Federation.
15 absence of bidders, their subcontractors (joint contractors), manufacturers, and individuals and legal entities controlling the specified organizations in the lists of individuals and legal entities in respect of which special economic measures are applied in accordance with the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1300 "On the measures for the Implementation of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation 592 of October 22, 2018", dated 01.11.2018 (hereinafter referred to as Resolution No. 1300) and Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 851 "On the measures for the Implementation of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 252 of May 3, 2022", dated 11.05.2022 (hereinafter referred to as Resolution No. 851).

Required documents:

  • л) information from the bidder, regarding the entire ownership chain, including beneficiaries, indicating their share participation in the organization - according to the form in accordance with the instructions given in the procurement documentation (Subsection 5.1, Form 1.1); If the bidder is Rosatom State Corporation and the current information regarding the entire ownership chain of such a bidder, including beneficiaries (including final ones) with indication of their share participation in the organization, is contained in the Unified Industry System for Managing Regulatory and Reference Information of Rosatom State Corporation, such information is not required from the bidder; м) information from the bidder in relation to the entire ownership chain, subcontractors (joint contractors), manufacturers involved by the bidder, including beneficiaries (including the final ones), indicating their shares of participation in the organization in the form in accordance with the instructions given in the procurement documentation (subsection 5.1, Form 1.1); If the subcontractor (joint contractor), or manufacturer, engaged by the bidder is an organization of Rosatom State Corporation and up-to-date information regarding the entire chain of owners of such subcontractor (joint contractor), manufacturer, including beneficiaries (including final ones) with an indication of shares in the organization is contained in the Unified Industry Regulatory and Reference Information Management System of Rosatom State Corporation, information regarding such subcontractor (joint contractor), or the manufacturer is not required from the bidder.; н) certificate of awareness about the rejection/removal of the bidders in case of applying special economic measures in accordance with Resolution No. 1300 and Resolution No. 851 - in the form in accordance with the instructions given in the procurement documentation (subsection 5.1, Form 1.2).
16 availability of the right to dispose of the proposed goods (according to nomenclature of specifications (Appendices No. 1.1, 1.2 to Volume 1, Part 3 "Draft Contract" of the procurement documentation)) and/or the consent to propose the goods given by the manufacturer of the goods or the authorized representative of the manufacturer (according to nomenclature of specifications (Appendices No. 1.1, 1.2 to Volume 1, Part 3 "Draft Contract" of the procurement documentation)) within the procurement procedure including provision of warranty, provision of installation supervision services within the period and on the terms specified in this procurement documentation.

Required documents:

  • п) if the bidder is not the manufacturer of the proposed goods (according to nomenclature of specifications (Appendices No. 1.1, 1.2 to Volume 1, Part 3 "Draft Contract" of the procurement documentation)): ­ documents confirming the right to dispose of the proposed goods of the specified manufacturer (purchase and sale contract, acceptance and transfer certificates, etc.) and/or ­ the document from the manufacturer confirming the consent of such manufacturer of the goods (according to nomenclature of specifications (Appendices No. 1.1, 1.2 to Volume 1, Part 3 "Draft Contract" of the procurement documentation) to propose goods (according to nomenclature of specifications (Appendices No. 1.1, 1.2 to Volume 1, Part 3 "Draft Contract" of the procurement documentation) within this procurement including provision of warranty, provision of installation supervision services within the period and on the terms specified in this procurement documentation, namely: a certificate in accordance with the instructions given in the procurement documentation (Subsection 5.1, Form 5) and/or ­ the document issued by its authorized representatives confirming the consent of such authorized representative of the manufacturer of the goods (according to nomenclature of specifications (Appendices No. 1.1, 1.2 to Volume 1, Part 3 "Draft Contract" of the procurement documentation)) to propose goods (according to nomenclature of specifications (Appendices No. 1.1, 1.2 to Volume 1, Part 3 "Draft Contract" of the procurement documentation)) within this procurement including provision of warranty, provision of installation supervision services within the period and on the terms specified in this procurement documentation, namely: copies of dealer contracts and/or copies of distribution contracts, etc. and a certificate in accordance with the instructions given in the procurement documentation (Subsection 5.1, Form 5). According to these documents, the entire chain shall be traced from the bidder to such a manufacturer of the goods (according to nomenclature of specifications (Appendices No. 1.1, 1.2 to Volume 1, Part 3 "Draft Contract" of the procurement documentation)) proposed within this procurement.
17 Availability of supply experience: (only the bidder’s experience shall be taken into account; the experience of other entities engaged by the bidder to perform the contract shall not be taken into account): the bidder shall have equipment* supplied under the contracts in 2020 - 2023 (before the original bid opening date) for a total amount of at least EUR 5,878,000.00 excluding VAT. *Any of the following equipment will be taken into account when reviewing for compliance with this requirement: 1) Equipment important for NPP nuclear safety (as per the standards and regulations of the bidder's country of incorporation and/or the country of origin of the equipment and/or the country where the equipment is used) that is subject to manufacturing inspection** in accordance with the nuclear safety requirements and guidelines of these countries; and/or 2) Equipment having a safety class as per nuclear standards and regulations defining the safety classification of NPP systems and components, including those establishing safety classes (as per the standards and regulations of the bidder's country of incorporation and/or the country of origin of the equipment and/or the country where the equipment is used) that is subject to manufacturing inspection and conformity assessment in the form of acceptance; 3) Transformers. **-The manufacturing inspection requirement shall apply if the manufacturing inspection is required by the nuclear safety requirements and guidelines of those countries.

Required documents:

  • a reference note on experience in fulfillment of contracts (Subsection 5.1, Form 3, Table 1) in Word or Excel (preferably Excel) with an attachment of copies of the following documents: ? documents evidencing the scope of supply, prepared under the contract in accordance with the accounting rules and signed by the parties to the contract, containing the following information: ? contract details (number and date); ? list of supplied equipment; ? safety class per standards and regulations of the bidder’s country of incorporation and/or the country of equipment origin and/or the country where the equipment is used. ? documents evidencing the completion of supply, prepared under the contract for financial reporting purposes, issued in accordance with the accounting rules and signed by the parties to the contract, containing the following information: ? contract details (number and date); ? list of equipment handed over to and accepted by the customer under the contract; ? value of equipment handed over to and accepted by the customer under the contract; ? document evidencing the involvement of the bidder in the supply in question, signed by the customer’s representative under the contract, containing the following information: ? contract details (number and date); ? name of equipment under the contract; ? ultimate facility, to which the equipment was supplied; ? bidder’s name. If the documents submitted do not completely trace the chain from the end customer to the manufacturer, the bid shall also include the specified documents evidencing the scope and completion of supply, which can be traced down the supply chain.
18 Based on Article 7.12.1, Part 2 of the UIPS: 1.availability of quality management system (management, assurance and quality control), that meets the requirements of ISO 9001 (or the equivalent). 2. availability of an effective environmental management system that meets the requirements of ISO 14001 (or the equivalent). 3. availability of an effective occupational safety and health management system that meets the requirements of ISO 45001 (or the equivalent).

Required documents:

  • 1) documents confirming the availability of an effective quality management system (management, assurance and quality control), namely an ISO 9001 certificate (or the equivalent) issued by a certification body accredited by an IAF member. 2), 3) documents confirming the availability of effective management systems: a) self-assessment and self-declaration; b) applying for confirmation of compliance to the parties interested in the activities of subcontractors (customers); c) applying for confirmation of self-declaration to the external party, or d) certification/registration of the management system by an external organization.
19 not to be guilty in accordance with the court verdict that has entered into force, in any of the crimes listed below, not to have in the members of the administrative, managing or controlling bodies of the bidders of a convicted person in any of the crimes listed below or authorized to represent, make decisions or control in the organization of such a bidder: ? participation in a criminal organization within the meaning specified in article 2 of Council decision 2008/841/JHA; ? corruption within the meaning specified in Article 3 of the Anti-Corruption Convention, with the participation of official representatives of the European Communities or official representatives of the Member States of the European Union, and in Article 2 (1) of Council Decision 2003/568/JHA, as well as corruption as defined, contained in the legislation of Hungary and the Russian Federation or in the national legislation of a bidder; ? fraud within the meaning of Article 1 of the Convention for the Protection of the Financial Interests of the European Communities; ? terrorism or terrorism-related activities within the meaning specified in Articles 1 and 3 of Council Framework Decision 2002/475/JHA respectively, inciting, assisting, facilitating or attempting to commit terrorist acts within the meaning specified in Article 4 of this framework decision; ? money laundering or terrorist financing in the meaning specified in article 1 of Directive 2005/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council; child labor and other forms of trafficking in persons within the meaning of Article 2 of Directive 2011/36/EU of the European Parliament and the Council.

Required documents:

  • е) confirmation of not being found guilty of the crimes specified in the "Additional Requirements" column of this clause, as well as the absence of a person among the members of the administrative, managing or control bodies of the bidder, convicted of any of these offenses or empowered representation, decision-making or control in the organization of such bidder, completed by the bidder on the "Additional Requirements" form of the procurement documentation (Section 5.1, Form 1.3) .

View participant requirements

Requirements for the product:
1 Goods shall meet the requirements specified in Volume 2 Technical Part. The bidder should note that references in the procurement documentation to trademarks, service marks, trade names, patents, utility models, industrial designs, appellation of origin or name of the manufacturer are only advisory and not mandatory. The bidder may submit other trademarks, service marks, trade names, patents, utility models, industrial designs, places of origin or goods of other manufacturers in its bid, provided that the substitutes produced are compatible with each other, are substantially equivalent or superior to the goods indicated in the technical specifications (equivalents). For reference: Sources of European and Hungarian regulatory documents to be applied by suppliers in the equipment manufacturing and licensing process, as required by the Nuclear Safety Code: - Hungarian legislation: https://net.jogtar.hu/, https://oah.hu - Nuclear standards and regulations, European and Hungarian industry standards: https://prod.mszt.hu/hu-hu/ - International nuclear standards: https://www-ns.iaea.org/committees/files/CSS/205/status.pdf - ISO standards: https://www.iso.org/home.html This information is for reference only, suppliers may use other resources.

Required documents:

  • Technical proposal evidencing compliance with each technical requirement of the procurement documentation (Volume 2) in accordance with the instructions given in the procurement documentation (Subsection 5.1, Form 2), including: ­ name of the equipment designer; ­ name of the manufacturer and country of origin; ­ specific engineering solutions, brand, model, etc. without a reference “or equivalent”; ­ description of equipment components; ­ quantity of goods. Technical specifications (TS) or draft TS for equipment, which shall be consistent with the specifications given in the Initial Technical Requirements (ITR), shall be submitted to support the requirements specified in the Initial Technical Requirements (ITR) in Volume 2 Technical Part of the procurement documentation. If the bidder submits draft TS for the design of new (upgraded, modified) products, the draft TS shall be based on the requirements of Subsections 6.1 and 6.2 of GOST 15.016-2016. If the bidder submits draft TS as part of its bid, the structure of submitted draft TS shall meet the requirements of Section 5 of GOST 2.114-2016. If the TS submitted as part of the bid do not fully meet the requirements of ITR, the bid shall include an analysis of the submitted TS to confirm that ITR are met.
2 In case of supply of any imported goods and/or in case of use of any imported equipment, products, components, materials and semi-finished products as part of the supplied goods the requirements of NP-071

Required documents:

  • confirmation filled in by the participant of competitive bidding as per Form 1 "The Application" that: - in case of supply of any imported goods and/or in case of use of any imported equipment, products, components, materials and semi-finished products as part of the supplied goods - regarding the compliance with the requirements of NP-071 - in the absence of supply of any imported goods and/or use of any imported equipment, products, components, materials and semi-finished products - regarding the absence of the imported equipment, products, materials and components as part of the products supplied.

View product requirements

Participation forms:
Application form of manufacturer
Procurement bid
Cost summary table for goods delivery
Schedule of payment
Goods delivery/ works performance/ services provision schedule
Certificate of beneficiaries with indication of participation shares
Evaluation criteria
Actions: Check out the rules of procedure